Regular portions of Mewar and its rich legacy
to keep the 'Living Heritage' social and global!

पत्थर के झरोखे से इतिहास का आइना

Publication: India Today | March 2016

India Today, in its Rajasthan Special issue, showcases the museums of this colourful state. Amongst the significantly highlighted museums is The City Palace Museum, Udaipur with a focus on what makes it too-special-to-ignore!

मॉलगोदाम नहीं हैं हमारे संग्रहालय

Publication: India Today | March 2016

India Today, in its Rajasthan Special issue, captures under the ‘Museum’ section, Mr. Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar’s outlook of a museum, exploring in depth, its real meaning and identity, for the times of today and tomorrow.

Conde Nast – Traveller Readers Travel Awards 2015

Publication: Conde Nast – Traveller | February – March 2016

Condé Nast Traveller, in its latest issue, has covered the Page 3 event – Conde Nast – Traveller Readers Travel Awards 2015. Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar was present at the party and has been showcased standing candidly with Alex Kuruvilla, Chief Exceutive of Condé Nast Traveller India.



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